07 FP – CMMI inks MoU with NITIE to Jointly offer Executive MBA- KC

[Mumbai, 19th January] The Company of Master Mariners of India has recently signed an MoU with the National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai, to impart courses in Business Administration.

Signed on the 18th of January, the MoU forms the basis of an agreement which lays out the sharing of resources, faculty, knowledge and experience, of both CMMI and NITIE, towards imparting education in a mixed Online/ Offline format that will form the Executive MBA.

Master CMMI, Capt BK Jha was elated at having attained this milestone. He said “It is of great pride for CMMI that we have finally, after years of deliberating and putting together this MBA course, been able to ink a foundational agreement with NITIE, soon to be elevated to IIM, Mumbai.”

Capt Jha thanked the Deputy Master, the Secretary General, and all the CMMI Wardens for the support they have rendered in the final fructification of this MoU.

NITIE is a 60 Year old educational autonomous institute of the Ministry of Education, Govt of India. It was founded at a time when an infantile Independent India needed to train officers and managers to occupy higher positions.

Prof&Dean (SRIC), NITIE, Mr. Vivekanand Khanapuri, upon signing the MoU said, “I am very pleased that we have reached this juncture when our commitment to this collaboration has been inked on paper.”

On a note of positivity he added, “I hope our future MBA’s will be able to take up our Prime Minister’s directive that logistics costs in our nation be brought down to the global average.”

Today NITIE has educational ties with global giants such as Maersk, Intel, Tata Steel, Cipla, Britannia, et al, making it possible for their students to attain cross-sectoral information and insights.

On the anvil related to this development are sourcing the best faculty, appointing ambassadors, taking up online & offline marketing initiatives, and producing a suitable brochure detailing eligibility, course content, course fees, etc.

The MBA course is projected to be launched in July this year.

Marex Media


Attending the signing ceremony were: Capt. Arun Mehta, CMMI Wardens Capt Kamal Chadha & Capt Vivek Bhandarkar, Deputy Master – Capt Kaustubh Pradhan, Secretary General – Capt MP Bhasin, and CEO – Capt Sasikumar.

NITIE was represented by Dr Shankar Murthy, Dean Academics, and Prof Sumi Jha.

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