12 HL – Several Key Turkish Ports Out of Action

Hit by a massive earthquake in which the southeast of the nation has seen more than 4,300 people killed, more than 24 hours later several Turkish ports remain out of action.

Iskenderun, a major port on the Mediterranean, has suffered structural damage, as well as a severe blaze as containers caught fire yesterday. Aerial images show box stacks collapsed across the port, and a blaze in the middle of a container yard, which spread fast.

“The port has unfortunately been subject to severe structural damage, leading to a complete stop of all operations until further notice. Roads have also been heavily affected, and at this time vendors are not moving any trucks in and around the area,” an update from Danish carrier Maersk stated.

Elsewhere, pipeline oil flows through the Turkish port of Ceyhan were temporarily suspended as inspections get underway to check the state of the pipelines.

Operations at Mersin International Port have also been suspended while inspections take place.

Marex Media

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