29 HL – MOL Tanker Crew Conference- March 2023 – KC

MOL Tankship Management Pte Ltd Conference Held in Mumbai

Photos take from Jaggu

The 2-day conference deliberated on various aspects of Ship management, trade and business with a focus on the importance of training, developing and meeting the social needs of crew followed by the ‘Loyalty Awards’ and Gala Dinner

The MOL Tankship Management Pte Ltd Tanker Safety Conference was recently held in Mumbai during 2nd and 3rd March, for two days. It opened with three sessions of one hour each with an opening address by Capt Anshul Rajvanshi, Managing Director, Synergy Maritime Recruitment Services Pvt. Ltd., who introduced the guests and the MOL Team, lead by Capt Yoshiro Maruta, MOL Tankship Management Ltd.

Setting the tone for various interactions to be followed on various aspects of Ship management, trade and business, with a focus on the importance of training, developing and meeting the social needs of crew for the next two days, Capt Anshul urged the guests to use this opportunity to enlighten their knowledge and clear any queries and doubts and /or problems they might have, and take part in the interactive sessions.

Capt Pranav Chopra was the first speaker. He discussed Safety measures and key performance indicators of ship’s performance. While he elaborated on the importance of Ship Inspection Report programme (SIRE 2.0) a unique assessment tool, the new requirements and process. He also emphasized on Port State Control (PSC) inspections.
Fleet observations related to Sire and PSC was discussed to create awareness and compliance among the team

Discussing various cases of incidents in the fleet, Capt Chopra advised to maintain the Oil Record Book that is now in electronic format. The elog automatically captures data on driver status that previously drivers reported manually.

Having discussed the safety norms, Mr T Dharmaratnam the Technical Superintendent, took the stage to enlighten the audience on technical nuances with a focus on Deck Management, Gangway, Greasing and Eco-sailing. He mentioned that reduced fuel consumption comes from a good hydro-dynamic hull form ‘being the most important aspect’, a proper size engine ‘larger than typical but derated’, and a good propeller.

He advised following a routine greasing activity every month for greasing the ship is of importance as it reduces the friction between two surfaces, thus reducing the break downs related to greasing activity.

Capt Sharanjeet Singh engaged everyone in various issues on Manning. With the COVID 2019 pandemic everything has changed and we are now operation with ‘New’ normal. He also emphasized on maintaining health and fitness along with the need of regular communications for betterment, and to avoid slip and trips on board.

Mental health onboard was discussed as a rising concern onboard among the seafarers.

Ms Akiko Kanemoto introduced the MOL Global Maritime Resources Division to conclude the Day 1 only to be followed on March 03, 2023 by an opening address by Capt Yoshiro Maruta, Managing Director of MOL Tankship Management Pte Ltd thanking the seafarer for their hard work and support in Covid period. He stated that, it was tough time for both seafarers and shore team. We managed to do well during covid period with excellent trust and support of not only the seafarer but also their family members. MOL is one of the largest shipping companies in the world, whose business includes dry cargo ships, liquefied natural gas carriers, Ro-Ro Car Carriers, oil tankers, container ships, and container terminals. MOL continue to grow with the support of front leaders our seafarers, our partners, and our charterers that believe in MOL.

Mr Shahei Hashiguchi gave a brief overview on MOL Japan’s Tanker Business; thereafter Mr Takayama shared the ‘Cargo Handling Incidents’.

MOL Tokyo safety department and team discussed on various aspects of the safety, new developments in MOL related to accommodation spaces, communication for the seafarer and increasing the comfort by implementing measures in reducing the Noise level etc.

Motivated and competent crew are the cornerstones of safe and efficient shipboard operations. MOL Tankship Management Pte Limited manages a pool of experienced officers and all are highly trained and committed to the company vessels they serve on.

Marex Media

MOL Tankship Management has its loyalty awards for those serving the company for long tenures.
As an appreciation, the awards were given to:
CO Subhash Chandra Mitra
CE Somnath Paul
IAE Devender Pathania
IAE Sounak Roy
IAE Parshuram Naik
IAE Rohit Khatri
IAE Niranjan Kalani
Second Officer, Nitesh Tripathi
Second Officer Harish Kajla
Second Officer Amit Tayade,

While all the awardees were happy to be a part of the great team, a couple of them did share their happiness.

“It’s been a wonderful journey with MOL since joining in 2010 as an Assistant Engineer, and working with wonderful people both onboard and in the office has made it more special.I would like to thank MOL& Synergy for giving me this Award.,” – IAE. Sounak Roy.

“Thanks for this honour, I am grateful to everyone who has been a part of my journey. Thanks to all my seniors and colleagues for support and guidance.”, – Second Officer Amit Tayade.

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