Capt Ashok Gogia Takes Up ICS-Mumbai Chair

Capt Ashok Gogia, an indefatigable long-time member of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, on assuming chairmanship of the Mumbai branch, spoke very encouragingly of steering this renowned and greatly respected industry body towards enhanced levels of activity and presence.

First Reaction

At the outset, on being elected as Chairman of Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Mumbai Branch, I was quite elated and humbled by the confidence fellow members had showed in me; so I accepted their choice with grace, and I have been an active member of ICS for over 15 years now and have represented the ICS Mumbai Branch at various forums worldwide.

ICS Activities

The Institute is a professional body and was founded in 1911, and awarded a Royal Charter in 1920.

The core activity of the Institute is to set examination standards which is a pre requisite for membership to ICS, and thus provide highly qualified professionals to the shipping industry by enhancing their commercial expertise. ICS Mumbai is one of the 27 branches, and represents ship brokers, ship managers, and ship agents located worldwide. Our current mission is to promote ICS within Indian Shipping professionals and to supplement their marine commercial qualifications.

Making a Mark in the Industry

We propose to interact with the industry stalwarts and prospective candidates who are planning to switch over to shore-based employment with a globally recognized qualification, and to tie up with various Marine Institutes offering similar courses leading to transfer of credits for ICS certification. Furthermore, in order to encourage future candidates, we shall reward those students who qualify with distinction. An ICS qualification will contribute significantly in their shore-based career. We plan to make presentations at various seminars, webinars, and on line promotions.

Technological Changes and Advice to Youngsters

The Maritime industry has witnessed significant technological progress with Digital platforms for ship and cargo tracking as well as implementation of digital communication and collaboration tools. Therefore we at ICS wish to promote the latest technological developments. Furthermore, we wish to promote the latest technology on all platforms, and encourage the future candidates to begin understanding and working on the commercial aspects of autonomous shipping.

Personal Life

Experience obtained in my sea career as a ship captain has been the mainstay of my knowledge, supplemented by various shore-based qualifications such as: DNV Qualified Internal Auditor, ISM, ISPS, MLC., Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Vertical Integration Course for Trainers, Assessors Examiners Certification for Seafarers.

Currently a Visiting Faculty at Mumbai Maritime Training Institute, I conduct Ship Maneuvering Simulator and Modular Courses. Earlier I was visiting faculty at Wallem Maritime Training Center and conducted Commercial Awareness for Seafarers, ECDIS, and Value-added courses for ship owners.

In my spare time I like to monitor my investments in the stock markets and real estate.


Marex Media

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