70 The Legal Helm – The Interlinkage

The Interlinkage

Picture is purely for illustration purposes

The security of India’s vast coastline and maritime interests has become a paramount concern in recent years. This article explores the critical interlinkage between India’s domestic shipowning industry and its maritime security interests. By analyzing the role of domestic shipowners in fortifying national security, the article sheds light on how a robust shipowning industry can contribute significantly to safeguarding India’s maritime borders, economic interests, and strategic influence in the region.

India’s maritime security interests have grown exponentially in the context of regional geopolitics, piracy threats, illegal fishing, and trafficking activities. A strong domestic shipowning industry can be a game-changer in addressing these challenges while bolstering India’s overall maritime security.

A well-developed domestic shipowning industry ensures a more extensive and diverse fleet of vessels, enhancing the Indian Navy’s reach and operational capabilities. In times of conflict or crises, these vessels can be requisitioned for support roles, thereby significantly increasing the nation’s maritime defense capacity.

Indian-owned commercial vessels can serve as essential platforms for maritime surveillance and intelligence gathering. Outfitting these ships with modern communication and sensor systems can contribute crucial real-time information to the authorities, thereby enhancing maritime domain awareness and response to potential threats.

India’s domestic shipowning industry can play a pivotal role in securing vital sea lanes of communication (SLOCs) through which the majority of the country’s trade flows. By owning and operating vessels that ply these routes, India can ensure the smooth flow of essential goods and energy resources, reducing the vulnerability of external disruptions or blockades.

Piracy and maritime terrorism pose significant threats to the security of India’s maritime trade. An increased number of Indian-owned vessels, equipped with necessary security measures, can serve as a deterrent to piracy and provide assistance during pirate attacks. Additionally, these ships can collaborate with naval forces in coordinated efforts to counter such threats.

A robust domestic shipowning industry enables India to impose and enforce stricter environmental and safety regulations on its vessels. By complying with international standards, Indian shipowners contribute to the prevention of environmental disasters and ensure safer seas.

An indigenous shipowning industry fosters the development of Indian maritime expertise, including shipbuilding, maintenance, and navigation. This contributes to the growth of a skilled workforce and a self-sufficient maritime ecosystem, further enhancing India’s maritime capability and readiness.

A thriving domestic shipowning industry not only enhances maritime security but also bolsters India’s economy. Increased ship ownership leads to higher demand for shipbuilding, repair facilities, and related services, generating employment and economic growth.

A strong domestic shipowning industry enhances India’s standing in regional and global maritime diplomacy. Owning a significant share of the global shipping fleet can provide India with more considerable diplomatic leverage, facilitating better negotiation power and cooperation in maritime security initiatives.

The interlinkage between India’s domestic shipowning industry and its maritime security interests is evident and critical in the nation’s pursuit of safeguarding its coastal borders, economic prosperity, and strategic interests. By fostering a robust shipowning industry, India can fortify its naval presence, enhance surveillance capabilities, secure crucial sea lanes, counter piracy and terrorism, and uphold environmental and safety standards. Embracing a strong domestic shipowning industry is not only a matter of national security but also an integral step towards becoming a formidable maritime force in the region and beyond.
Marex Media

The Author
Mr Aishwarye Dubey – photo and other details take from last edition

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