71 HL – All Indian Seafarers Have an Unconditional Right to Shore Leave in All Indian Ports – KC

Unconditional Right to Shore Leave for All Indian Seafarers in All Indian Ports

Maritime unions should actively engage with governmental bodies, port authorities, and shipping companies to raise awareness and facilitate discussions on this issue.

The demand for unconditional right to shore leave for all Indian seafarers in all Indian ports is a crucial one that needs to be addressed expediently.

Shore leave is an essential aspect of seafarers’ welfare and well-being, allowing them to relax, recharge, and connect with their families and the outside world. However, Indian seafarers often face obstacles in obtaining shore leave in many Indian ports where strict regulations or security concerns limit their access, often simply because it’s so easy to do so.

First and foremost, granting unconditional right to shore leave for all Indian seafarers would ensure that they are treated fairly and provided with the necessary breaks from their demanding and physically challenging work onboard. Shore leave not only helps seafarers maintain their mental health but also allows them to make personal arrangements, such as banking or medical appointments, and to connect with their loved ones, or simply unwind.

Addressing security concerns is surely a crucial part of granting unconditional shore leave. While it is understandable that certain ports may have heightened security measures in place, it is essential to find a balance between security and seafarers’ rights. Implementing efficient and reliable security protocols that allow seafarers to disembark safely can be a viable solution. Collaboration between port authorities, shipping companies, and maritime unions can help develop standardized procedures and guidelines to ensure security without restricting shore leave excessively.

To achieve the demand for unconditional right to shore leave, it is important for various stakeholders to come together and advocate for the rights of Indian seafarers.

Maritime unions should actively engage with governmental bodies, port authorities, and shipping companies to raise awareness and facilitate discussions on this issue. Additionally, the Indian government can play a significant role in promoting seafarers’ welfare by implementing policies and regulations that safeguard Indian seafarers’ right to shore leave in all Indian ports.

Hence granting unconditional right to shore leave for all Indian seafarers in all Indian ports is a crucial step towards ensuring their welfare, job satisfaction, and overall well-being. By addressing the concerns regarding security and collaborating with relevant stakeholders, this demand can be effectively met. It is imperative to recognize the valuable contributions of seafarers to the maritime industry and speedily prioritize their rights to shore leave.
-Marex Media

Regulation 2.4.1 of the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), to which India is a signatory, outlines the specific requirements related to seafarers’ shore leave. It states that seafarers should be allowed shore leave whenever possible, taking into account the ship’s safety and security requirements and operational circumstances. Shipowners and operators are encouraged to develop policies and procedures that facilitate shore leave for seafarers.
Additionally, the MLC recommends that port states provide appropriate facilities and services to enable seafarers to spend their shore leave ashore.

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The Author – Capt Kamal Chadha (photo and details take from last edition)

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