86 Once a seafarer always a seafarer- Karanjikar speech

Hard-Hitting Karanjikar Speech Well Taken Note of in Industry Circles

Capt Gajanan Karanjikar, one of the key participants of the specially appointed Seafarer segment of the recently concluded Global Maritime India Summit, delivered an impactful address that reached the notice of the corridors of power in the nation.
The event was held in Mumbai from the 17th to 19th of Oct 2023.
Karanjikar’s speech opened with “Once a seafarer always a seafarer- Someone told me this long ago- that once you drink that LOHE KA PANI- water tanks on ship are of IRON, you will become a seafarer- this denotes to sailing on a ship to be associated with its hardship.
He said, “I am deeply honoured to stand before you at the Global Maritime India Summit 2023, an event that brings together some of the brightest minds and visionaries in the maritime industry. Today, we gather to celebrate the indomitable spirit and incredible contributions of Indian seafarers to our nation’s economy and the world’s sustainability.
“At the beginning let me thank the Organisers of the GMIS 2023, that is Ministry of ports, shipping and waterways for including this special session on seafarers and special thanks to DG shipping Shir Shyma Jagannathan and SCI CMD Capt B K Tyagi for pursuing it to make it happen in Grand conference of Maritime Significance.”
He continued, “In the vast and dynamic tapestry of the maritime sector, India stands as a beacon of excellence. With a coastline stretching over 7,500 kilometres, a rich maritime heritage, and an economic landscape that relies heavily on seaborne trade, India’s commitment to the maritime industry is both historical and unwavering. Indian seafarers have been instrumental in shaping the destiny of our great nation, and their dedication, courage, and expertise have propelled us to the forefront of global maritime leadership.

“Seafarers are at the epicentre of the Maritime world today and rightly so for their contribution and dedication. We all have witnessed that in COVID time, such a unprecedented event- which brought each and every industry down but the ports were running and shipping was running.”
He added, “Let us begin by acknowledging some astonishing statistics that underscore the monumental role Indian seafarers play in empowering our nation and fostering global sustainability:
The Powerhouse of Seafaring: India ranks as one of the largest supplier of seafarers in the world, contributing around 12% of the global seafaring workforce. This staggering number is a testament to our nation’s commitment to nurturing maritime talent.
Economic Contributions: The Indian maritime sector contributes significantly to our economy, with an estimated 95% of India’s trade by volume and 70% by value carried by sea. This sector adds over 14% to our GDP and provides employment to millions of people in maritime industry be it ships, ports or other allied industry that is supported by Maritime.
Leaders in Maritime: In the era of IT in world where the Indian Leadership is leading various big conglomerates in the world, Indian seafarers also have ascended to leadership roles worldwide, steering some of the largest vessels and leading key decision-making processes and leading global shipping companies.
Diverse Skillsets: Indian seafarers are renowned for their versatility and adaptability. They excel in a variety of roles, from navigation to engineering, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to the maritime industry in hard to very hard conditions.
Environmental Responsibility: Our seafarers play a pivotal role in ensuring the sustainability of our oceans. Their commitment to following international environmental regulations on decarbonising which is seen as an urgent need and embracing green technologies is crucial to protecting our maritime environment.”
He further pointed out, “Now, as we celebrate these remarkable achievements, it is essential to recognize that the maritime industry faces unprecedented challenges. The global economy is evolving rapidly, environmental concerns are at the forefront, and technological advancements are reshaping the landscape. Indian seafarers, with their resolute dedication, must continue to lead the way in overcoming these challenges.
“As we look to the future, I urge us to focus on three critical aspects:
Technology and Innovation: Embrace cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions to enhance efficiency and sustainability in the maritime industry. Indian seafarers, with their adaptability, must champion these advancements.
Environmental Responsibility: Continue the proud tradition of adhering to international environmental regulations and champion sustainable practices, ensuring that our oceans remain clean and safe.
Skill Development: Invest in education and training, nurturing the next generation of Indian seafarers with the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain our global leadership.”
In concluding he said, “Indian seafarers are not just guardians of our nation’s economic interests but also stewards of our planet’s oceans. They are the lifeblood of the maritime industry, ensuring that it remains a force for good in our world. Let us celebrate their achievements and continue to empower them to lead the way towards a more sustainable and prosperous future.
“Thank you, and may our seafarers continue to sail towards new horizons, shaping a brighter tomorrow for India and the world. With our new DGS, Shri Shyam Jagannathan, committed to the Indian seafarer’s cause, I am sure the seafarers will be given justice in every problem they face, be it recruitment or well being at sea.”
– Marex Media

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