Goley Book at GMIS- KC

Goley’s ‘Legend of The Great Harbor’ Sparkles at GMIS

“Legend of The Great Harbor: Celebrating 150 Years of Mumbai Port” authored by Ms. Shradha Goley made waves at the prestigious Global Maritime India Summit 2023. This captivating literary work takes readers on a remarkable journey through the rich history and evolution of Mumbai Port over a century and a half.

Goley’s book is a celebration of the maritime heritage of Mumbai, highlighting the pivotal role the port has played in the city’s growth and India’s maritime history. It beautifully narrates the stories of the people, ships and trade that have thrived in this bustling harbor, painting a vivid picture of the port’s significance.

At the Global Maritime India Summit 2023, “Legend of The Great Harbor” stood out as a beacon of pride and recognition for Mumbai Port’s enduring legacy. It reminds us of the invaluable contributions of the port and its people to India’s maritime industry.

This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the maritime history of Mumbai and the larger maritime landscape of India. It offers a captivating journey through time, celebrating the rich tapestry of Mumbai Port’s 150-year history, and is sure to be a source of inspiration for maritime enthusiasts and history buffs alike.
– Marex Media
I feel proud to recommend MBPA’s invaluable legacy and heritage journey through the History Book ‘Legend of the Great Harbor”, conceptualised and authored by Ms. Shradha Goley.
The History book provides a comprehensive account of the Port’s history, its challenges and its contributions to the evolution of Mumbai city and the national economy.
I am confident you will find the book both informative and engaging.
[Book Closeup]
Publisher & Author: Shradha Goley
Pages: 106
Price: INR 700/-
Orders upto 10 books: 9820922045, Shradha@utbthr.com, Shradhagoley@gmail.com
Bulk Orders: Hetal Enterprises – 9372771729

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