Once basic needs are met, SELF ACTUALISATION is what drives one as Maslow inferred. Not to
confuse with Spirituality, Enlightenment and Self-Realisation as in Advaita and of religions from beliefs and faith. Better steer clear of these. For, along with money and politics they have been causative of most wars, destruction and conflicts for 3000 years, and still getting worse.

SA is not about satisfaction of achieving: reaching targets, earning recognition/fame, saving for rainy days, recovering from major setbacks/illness, etc. It is realising one’s potential and seeking more to upgrade continuously for oneself and greater common good with creativity, entrepreneurial abilities and innovation with one’s experience-expertise, fine-tuned for surprising results.

Turning point is `self-realising’ (as in Advaita) one’s possibilities and have guts to move and take less taken route at road forks and pursue what is challenging and satisfying, creating more goals/targets beyond one’s capabilities and achieve them to surprise oneself. Avoid competitive paths, furrow new tracks, sow-reap, set examples and pick from lead, follow or move. ‘Leverage’ one’s own capabilities topping with others’, circumstantially like done elsewhere in machines and biz.

Though never work for money, reward, results or praise; nor promotion, designation or outrunning the pack and juniors in hierarchies. Let results be reward for righteous endeavours, and not compensation per se; for, if you are paid something, you are worth more. Reward others as you expect to get rewarded: start practising within family, children, etc., and professional fields also.

Realised the value of plumber, carpenter, electrician, mason and your partner’s cooking? That’s what separates good from rest, grain from chaff, and successful from also-rans. Please pay them more than what they ask with a thank you; they will perform better next time: that’s motivating relationship with appreciative incentives. Certainly your karma will repay in kind elating you. That’s getting best out of others, job satisfaction, team building, leadership combined. Like topping of cream is cherished better than the results paid for.

If the boss is not right, politely point out/guide, not question making a scene, upsetting him. Learn from juniors and fair gender also, as ladies have better humane approach with empathy and ably differentiate what males take for granted or miss.

Communication is an art and science. Give away as little info and details as necessary. Let the other fire all their cylinders. Fire blanks to empty others’ quivers and ammunition. Obtain as much and more info as possible. Build relationship step by step. Clear all doubts, put all cards on the table and negotiate from position of strength and extract extra ounce of take away. These can be taught, learned and remembered; it has to be practised and perfected. In different circumstances one may have to, as in international-multilingual scenarios, learn, unlearn and relearn to synthesise.

Nothing wrong in giving up and losing, only to start again. ‘Know when to play, pack or walk away’. Wars and revolutions have been fought so. For every window closed, new door opens. Optimism drives contagiously. It takes two to tango, three can launch a revolution. Watch the language, it can mislead. Take nothing for granted; as in customer satisfaction, service leading to delight.

There is market for self-indulgence; but don’t forget the rest: needy, unlucky and deserving. Jot down principles in life; practise vide manasa, vacha, karmana. A lie is a lie to save oneself; but it is okay to save someone else says, dharmic dictum. Take care.

Convert info, news, data, inputs, etc, instinctively analysing for impacts on your fields. Make it a habit. Awareness itself is no use unless utilised in risk management. Idle mind is devil’s workshop; no end to what all can go wrong. Well prepared with plan B and C is a requisite for well begun half done.
Be a multitasker: do as much as you can; it’s the way and new norm.

Knowledge may be a burden; better to learn from others and their mistakes than learn oneself by bravado and heroism. Logic is useful and good but can be pain in the neck. If all think alike, probabilities and fact findings therefrom will be same. Hence be a different thinker: maverick. Multi-vert is better to alter between intro and extro. One’s strength is derived from doing the impossibles.

It’s not all about money; that’s a medium of exchange, prestige, turnover, profit etc. Everything is cyclical. Small teams outdo larger ones, but there need be a nay sayer negative alternate thinker to avoid ‘gross’ mistakes. Organic growth is not everything. Learn from acquisitions and the main/real reasons behind them; arranged marriages for instance!

Money is always available for right or wrong use; use discretion. At the very end it is all a state of mind, fulfilling as solution oriented problem solving, as Advaita exemplifies as essence of all religions, whether God exists or not; whether atheist or nihilist. Give away all knowledge and everything; one ain’t gonna take it finally with him. Take care. Amen.

Marex Media

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