Artificial Intelligence – A Gift or A “Fatal Attraction” For Humans

Chat bot cannot and can never venture beyond what is already there…….at best it can be an aid to humans, more so because it lacks the basic human trait of “Imagination”.

It does not possess the extremely important human characteristics of inquisitiveness, inquiry, introspection & imagination. Chat bot, on basis of what is already there, merely produces credible answers which at time may be incredible. While such answers are forthcoming from humans too, what distinguishes them from Chatbot is that former infuses imagination. Availability of ready knowledge through Chatbots stifles the mental quest for efforts. By the time a student reaches majority he/she is beyond the age of changing habits and become a prisoner of playing second fiddle to Chatbot. Or every query he/she falls back on Chatbot for guidance and self-murders his/her existence as a human being. A major drawback is the limitation of Chatbot to answer all queries. On reaching a certain stage it has to fall back on a human to resolve the dilemma. But sadly, when that happens, we wouldn’t be having any humans capable of resolving. Additionally, Chatbots may churn out replies which do not satisfy an individual. Chatbots are not programmed to follow inquisitive approach of the questioner, they follow rules which limit their ability to be creative or think outside the box.

Students of present are compelled to duplicate a Chatbot—mug & reproduce – mug from what is already available. Scope of imagination, of visionary ideas are thrown out of the window. One can’t really blame them as teachers themselves thrust it down their throat that if you mug and reproduce perfectly you are the best. Teachers themselves are so hardwired into the recent system of education that any flight of imaginary ideas is immediately clipped thus creating “run of the mill “products. Any leap of faith is discouraged and looked down upon. We don’t realise that it’s just this leap of faith by multiple persons in past is what has transformed our lives by bringing in revolutionary ideas. Teachers on the other hand claim that the system is so demanding that there is no time to pause and encourage imagination. Current practice is to churn out students by the millions who just mug & spill out what already exists. Rare students who venture beyond the system, step aside, to pause & imagine are the ones who excel. These are the extraordinary who break out of the uncompromising system, reboot their minds and create the unthinkable.

India should get out of this straight jacket procedures and let, not just the students but also the teachers to stretch their wings of imagination and fly beyond the horizons of creating factory type products.

Marex Media

The Author (photo you have)
Capt Pankaj Kapoor
B.Sc (NS), Master Mariner, LL.B, LL.M, PG (Maritime Law), AFNI
Managing Partner
Quadraant Legal

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