66 HL – Clarion Honour Call

Clarion Honour Call

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Now that Independence Day has been celebrated and some are in resultant hangovers, let us frankly ask ourselves as to what we have done and we intend to do? Most of us weren’t born by’47 and even if, would have been kids. Independence was gained by sacrifices of earlier generations and it has been kept in good stead by armed forces who sacrificed life and limbs during the wars we have had. What are we doing for upkeep of our freedom and can do for its protection?

For, our independence has been endangered, diluted, negated and stolen by all powers that be: be it politicians, administrators and all & sundry including ourselves through our own casual carelessness. Having benefitted from it for three-fourth century, what have we done to preserve it for the future and nextgen? Aren’t they blaming us -the beneficiaries of independence- for leaving it in rot as we hand over? Do compare with progress of very many nations after last world war. Brethren, time isn’t late yet for positive perusal of affirmative action to correct. Let’s clean up to spruce up to speed up.

We are in mess with politics, founding fathers having chosen combination of best possible systems. It need be corrected with what we have learned over the decades. For one, we want cleaner elected in the straddles, with capabilities to deliver of course. It translates to minimum qualifications for each level, experience therein, expertise therefrom and visionary leadership roles. Plain and simple. Quite obviously corruption is the one to be weeded out. How do we stop and ban the corrupt from politics and all walks of life? Can they be expected to make rules disqualifying themselves? Would they ever? From Panchayat Raj, efficacy need be instilled to save time and cost, to deliver with alacrity. Lokpal and Lokayukta aside, justice system and courts have failed with too long pendencies, appeals and uncertainties: justice denied: lawyers learning and teaching judges at citizen’s time and costs. The Law ministry has time and again proven its incompetency to draft bills for legislation, timeously!

Administrators: IAS, ICS, IPC etc said to be scared of CBI, CVC, CEC, ED, Ministers, Superiors, transfers etc, underperform without decisiveness -though selected on IQ, EQ, SQ, AQ etc- not shouldering timebound accountabilities, causing nation and people avoidable inconveniences and losses. They and system fail to accept their lack of knowledge and exposure to specialised sectors that require specific know-how for analysing and decision making. The sooner AI, ML etc replace them, the better.

Having inserted ‘secular’ belatedly in constitution, we are at loss as to how to get along with beliefs, faiths and religions -fragmenting in sects- though god, if at all, is said to be one. Vested interests and politics, pandering. Rightly, we of all religions seem to have moral courage not to accept same gender alliances when most of the world seems to okay them, but are ready to forgive such dalliances.

Trying to erase all of old caste systems and unacceptable religious practices and divisionisms, have we let money -with it creditworthiness and assets too, divide us socially again beyond recognition?

Having built a nation with firm foundations and moved up from communism through socialism to capitalism of market forces, to drive economy and employment -seemingly beyond governments, have we let the financial/monetary system rule the roost when poverty is still at pandemic levels. Caution is called for, as it takes only a few to upset apple carts and initiate revolutions if populace are not served rightly as expected under claims of independence. The call is to serve to meet basic needs of masses, and also cater to their dreams and aspirations in a globalised world.

With history of NAM, heading G20, blessed with a sub-continent of natural resources, self-sufficient in basic food, strengthened currency etc, with surplus manpower to boot to drive demand side of economics, India is poised to be a strong economic power tagged with sobriquet of ‘super’ soon. The challenge for the committed is to lead, follow or move, carrying the burden of underprivileged while sharing the gains of growth fairly with all countrymen with responsibility.

Marex Media

The Author
Capt Sury Pullat (photo you have)
Consultant, AUMNI Shipping; & Founder-President, AMICIE

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