58 HL – Emergency Medevac- KC

Emergency Medevac of Filipino off Mumbai Coast

Padmesh Prabhune

A Filipino citizen aboard MV Saipem Endeavour, suffering from acute pain due to appendicitis, was evacuated off the Mumbai Coast by the team of Indian Coast Guard with the help of the Indian Navy on the 15th of July.

A Coast Guard press note mentioned that they had received a call from the ship’s agent M/s Benline Agencies, Mumbai, regarding medical evacuation of the 37-year-old man from the ship headed to Colombo from Dubai, passing at a distance of 154 nautical miles from Mumbai in the Arabian Sea.

According to reports the individual on board was experiencing acute appendicitis and required immediate evacuation. The ship, which was being towed, was last located 55 nautical miles (NM) Southwest of INS Shikra, the helibase of Western Naval Command in Colaba, where the Western Naval Command received a request for Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) from Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre, Mumbai.

“Considering the critical status of the patient, Coast Guard ship Samrat on area patrol was diverted immediately for medical evacuation of the patient. However, due to strong winds and rough seas in prevailing weather conditions, disembarkation of the patient could not be undertaken. Considering the distance and weather conditions, the Coast Guard requested the Indian Navy to launch a helicopter for evacuation’’, officials said in the note.

A joint MEDEVAC by the Indian Navy and Indian Coast Guard, involving a Sea King helicopter from INS Shikra and Coast Guard ship Samrat, was undertaken. The Sea King was launched at 9am in adverse weather conditions, low visibility and a low cloud base. Despite the ship rolling excessively and experiencing significant turbulence, the helicopter safely landed and embarked the patient.

The aircraft returned to INS Shikra at about 10am with the patient, who was administered initial medical treatment at INS Shikra, and thereafter transferred to naval hospital Ashvini for further treatment.

–  Marex Media

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