44 HL – Heart & Brain

Heart & Brain



One day, whilst on the passage to Teluk Rubiah Maritime Terminal (TRMT),Lumut, Malaysia, on Very Large Ore Carrier (VLOC), somewhere in the Mid-South Atlantic Ocean, in dark knight watch, my fellow assisting look out came up with a query related to passage planning in ECDIS.


After replying to his query, I witnessed an interesting conversation between my heart and brain. The topic was Automation.


Here’s the outcome of my thoughts between the heart and brain…

Brain: So, we are sailing on paperless ECDIS approved ship. I am very happy. My work load is considerably decreased from past times. Now, I don’t have to spend so much time on those weekly corrections. See, how comfortable it is? Moreover, I am learning new things and becoming tech friendly. All information in one visual look, I don’t have to use divider to measure distances or parallel ruler to plot positions. Everything in one or two clicks, this is the magic behind Automation, aren’t you happy?

Heart: Yes, I think it is comfortable but don’t you think we are losing something?

Brain: No, man, we are getting updated. Now, you don’t need to use me like you used to do before. Heart: Yes, again, you are right. But don’t you think you will become lazy with time.

Brain: Not at all, you are still using me for giving instructions to use your eyes. You know what? You should be happy; you are saving so much time.

Heart: Yes, I am happy, but with a fear of losing some precious skills which we got in gift from our seniors. I believe the more I use my brain, the more, it develops. You remember in earlier times, our seniors used to plot position by taking astronomical sights. Now, don’t you think that skill is fading away? And don’t you think it will disappear slowly with time?

Brain: I cannot believe you. We are still taking one astronomical sight every month to check position. There is another magic of technology i.e. Global Positioning System (GPS). Why it is there for? Definitely for us, again to reduce my work.

Heart: Astronomical sights. What a joke? Nowadays we use computer software to calculate sights. And GPS? What will happen if one day GPS get blocked? Where we will go? What we will do if we forget our basics.

Brain: thinking…thinking… (No clue)… But by that time we will have another European savior, that’s GALILEO or Navic of India 0r Beidou of China.

Heart: What, If GPS gets blocked tomorrow? You will wait for your so called saviour positioning systems.

Brain: Again thinking….thinking….clueless

Heart: There is a wise saying you should never forget your basics. You should stick to your roots. So, don’t let that skill fade away? Whenever you get time, just practice your skills of passage planning, astronomical sights, stability calculations. Then, it will be perfect.

Brain: Okay….I agree…Now what else?

Heart: Unemployment

Brain: No, I don’t agree with you

Heart: I am not talking about present my friend. I am just thinking where we are heading towards?

Brain: Yes….I got your point this time. Man less ships? Man less ships you are talking about? Right?

Heart: So, finally our thinking matches. Yes, I am talking about Man less ship.

Brain: Yes, that is the future man. Not now, But it may happen someday. Ok anything else?

Heart: No, man, I am exhausted now. I end this argument. You go to your ECDIS, GPS & Automate bridge now and focus on you navigation. Don’t forget to use all available means to make a full appraisal of the situation. Good Watch.

Brain: – Okay and thanks for a sensible conversation. You know what? I think, we should argue more often.


Marex Media


The Author

Prayas Joshi (photo attached in the mail)

Chief Officer


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