58 HL – NUSI Women Story – KC

NUSI Provides Generous Support to Women Empowerment

Padmesh Prabhune

The National Union of Seafarers of India (NUSI) recently introduced “NUSI STRI SHAKTI SUPPORT” on the eve of International Women’s Day on 8 March, 2023 in its endeavor towards women empowerment, thus contributing towards gender equality & equity by providing financial aid to girl /women students keen to pursue a career in the merchant navy.

Adhering to their objectives, NUSI has sponsored girl students by providing financial support for 18 women ratings to enroll at Training Ship “Rahaman” for the GP Ratings course that commenced this month on 1 July.

These deserving women ratings are from across the country from Maharashtra, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Assam and Kerala.

According to Mr Milind Kandalgaonkar, General Secretary NUSI, “This initiative will not only empower women but also encourage more women to consider a career in the shipping industry.”

“18 trainees have been provided appointment letters and are assured of job placement immediately after they finish the training”, he added.

The women rating candidates expressed their wholehearted appreciation for the “NUSI STRI SHAKTI SUPPORT” initiative.

They intend to become shining examples and inspire more women to join the shipping industry, ultimately establishing a strong presence for women in this rather male-dominated sector.

With continued efforts and initiatives, NUSI aims to bridge the gender gap in the shipping industry and ensure that women have equal opportunities to flourish. This is a significant step towards gender equality, showing clearly that NUSI recognizes and celebrates the role and contribution of women ratings.

Marex Media


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