70 FP – Addressing shore leave challenges

Sorting Out the Shore-Leave Conundrum in Indian Ports

Indian Ports need to make shore leave for seafarers a priority.

Shore leave challenges in Indian ports have been a longstanding issue that has affected the well-being and morale of Indian seafarers; so much so that Indian ports have earned the sobriquet of ‘Crew-UNFriendly’.
Addressing these challenges requires a collaborative effort between port authorities, regulatory bodies, and shipping companies. Some potential solutions include:

Streamlining Immigration Processes: Simplifying and expediting the Immigration processes for crew members can help increase the chances of them being able to obtain the necessary documents within the limited time available to ships in port.

Establishing Standardized Policies: Developing standardized policies and guidelines for shore leave permissions and restrictions across all ports can bring consistency and clarity to the process. This can help strike a balance between security concerns and the well-being of crew members.

Promoting Awareness and Education: Conducting awareness campaigns and training programs can help raise awareness among seafarers about their rights and entitlements regarding shore leave. This can help empower crew members to advocate for themselves when it comes to accessing shore leave.

Collaboration between Port Authorities and Shipping Companies: Establishing open lines of communication and collaboration between port authorities and shipping companies can help address the concerns of both parties. Regular discussions and joint efforts can lead to mutually beneficial solutions that prioritize the welfare of crew members without compromising port security.

Enhancing Port Facilities: Investing in better port infrastructure and amenities to cater to the needs of crew members can encourage them to go ashore and make the most of their limited time in port. This can include the provision of affordable entertainment options, transportation services, and recreation facilities.

Above all, bringing all these processes for crew shore leave on to an online platform is the call of the hour. Amongst the obvious advantages of speed and transparency an online system will provide, this approach will also alleviate any possible mischief or corruption that has become inescapably associated with issuance of crew shore leave in Indian ports.

The challenges associated with shore leave in Indian ports are complex but not insurmountable. By recognizing the importance of crew welfare and working towards facilitating and promoting crew shore leave within the constraints of operational and security requirements, Indian ports can become more crew-friendly and contribute to a better overall maritime industry.

-Marex Media

The Author
Kamal Chadha photo and details take from last article

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