06 HL – Actions on Decarbonisation must Needed

The various sectors have already accelerated their process to shift toward zero-emission, with governments making their carbon emission targets more ambitious and more attention is gained to sustainable finance. It’s time now for the maritime industry to systematically manage the carbon emissions by the introduction of a zero emissions evaluation framework into international shipping. “The shipping industry needs to take collective actions on decarbonisation,” expresses Mr Hirofumi Takano, Senior Executive Vice President of ClassNK.


Is decarbonisation achievable?

As you are aware the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set an ambition to reduce international shipping carbon emissions per transport work by at least 40 percent by 2030, and 70 percent by 2050, off 2008 baseline, which is indicates that all parties involved need to be prepared. Looking back ten years ago, we didn’t see what we are now observing, maybe ten years later as the technology advances even more, “Yes, I believe so. It is achievable with some slight modification but we can achieve it,” adds Mr Takano.


Emerging Market

India has a vast coastline of approximately 7,517 km, where maritime transport handles around 70% of India’s trading in value terms.  Thus, making the Indian market very important to ClassNK. “We have a good rapport with our branch office in Mumbai and branch offices across the Indian cities, mentioned Mr Takano. Furthermore, he informed that ClassNK has developed ClassNK ZETA (Zero Emission Transition Accelerator) as a tool to enable various customers to efficiently manage GHG emissions from ships. ClassNK ZETA is a tool that links to the ClassNK MRV Portal, a system that stores data such as fuel consumption of ships. It is equipped with features for constantly monitoring CO2 emissions and CII ratings of individual ships and entire fleets, and for simulating how CO2 emissions and CII ratings would change if slow steaming, etc. was implemented.” His visit to Mumbai early last month was to develop more collaboration with the Indian team and their customers.


Promoting Innovation

As companies pursue ESG management and the SDGs to realise a sustainable society, various innovations have been vital to resolve challenges. ClassNK offers its “Innovation Endorsement (IE) Approach” as a framework to support innovative initiatives through third-party certification.

“At ClassNK, we are committed to contributing to the sustainable evolution of maritime and offshore business activities by actively supporting innovative technologies through IE, and monitoring to innovation trends, and continuing its Innovation ecosystem to respond quickly to customers’ advanced initiatives,” concludes Mr Takano.


Marex Media

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